In the following list, cultivar names have been recorded without attribution or description and additional information is unavailable at the time of going to print.
History or knowledge of these cultivars should be sent to the Registrar for inclusion in the Addendum.
M- ‘Market Leader’
- ‘Marmalata’
- ‘Marnix’
- ‘Marquis de Oylet’
- ‘Marquis des Pins’
- ‘Marquise de la Rochethulon’
- ‘Marquise de Mortemart’
- ‘Marquise of Salisbury’
- ‘Martha’
- ‘Mary Eveline’
- ‘Mary Guy’
- ‘Mary Hallock’
- ‘Mary Huggins R.’
- ‘Mary Stewart’
- ‘Master Humphrey’
- ‘Master Leonare’
- ‘Master Paul’
- ‘Master Squires’
- ‘Mathew Harvey’
- ‘Mathilda’
- ‘Mauve Galilee Ivy Leaf.’
- ‘Mavis Simpson’
- ‘Maxim Festiva’
- ‘May Bravery’
- ‘Mayor of Melbourne’
- ‘Mazeppa Superba’
- ‘McLeans Perfection Z.’
- ‘Md. Madeline Orillard’
- ‘Mddle. La Comtesse de Lircourt’
- ‘Mdlle. Augustine’
- ‘Mdlle. Emmanuel Gaar’
- ‘Megaleion’
- ‘Meisterstruck’
- ‘Meleager’
- ‘Melissimum Acerifolium’
- ‘Melone’
- ‘Melpomene’
- ‘Mercy Boorman’
- ‘Mermaid R.’
- ‘Merveille Rochelaix’
- ‘Mevre Canneman’
- ‘Mexican Sage’
- ‘Michele Baxter’
- ‘Microphyllum’
- ‘Milbern Enchantment’
- ‘Mill Burgundy’
- ‘Mill Purple’
- ‘Mill Wine’
- ‘Milxo’
- ‘Mina’