In the following list, cultivar names have been recorded without attribution or description and additional information is unavailable at the time of going to print.
History or knowledge of these cultivars should be sent to the Registrar for inclusion in the Addendum.
S- ‘S.P. Wakelee’
- ‘S.S. Walderine’
- ‘Sabella’
- ‘Safrano’
- ‘Saint Paula’
- ‘Salmon Cascade’
- ‘Salmon Compactum’
- ‘Salmon New Life’
- ‘Salmon Nosegay’
- ‘Salmon Pixie’
- ‘Salt de Dresden’
- ‘Samos Lavender’
- ‘San Antonio’
- ‘San Louis Brat’
- ‘Sandiford’s Surprise’
- ‘Sans Parell’
- ‘Sanspareil’
- ‘Saphir’
- ‘Saracen’
- ‘Sarah Jones’
- ‘Sarah Thompson’
- ‘Sarong’
- ‘Saxon King’
- ‘Scarboroviae’
- ‘Scarlet’
- ‘Scarlet Beauty’
- ‘Scarlet Breakaway’
- ‘Scarlet Christine’
- ‘Scarlet Defiance’
- ‘Scarlet Flash’
- ‘Scarlet Flowering Rose’
- ‘Scarlet Globe Compactum’
- ‘Scarlet Nosegay’
- ‘Scarlet Pixiette’
- ‘Scarlet Variegated’
- ‘Schiller’
- ‘Schoen Ellen’
- ‘Scilly Isles’
- ‘Scintillatum’
- ‘Scrambled Eggs’
- ‘Secretaire A. Chateney’
- ‘Secrist Red’
- ‘Seep’
- ‘Selicia’
- ‘Semis A Fleurs Rouges’
- ‘Senor’
- ‘Shansgefi’
- ‘Sharp-toothed Oak’
- ‘Shepherdess’
- ‘Shield of Achillea’