In the following list, cultivar names have been recorded without attribution or description and additional information is unavailable at the time of going to print.
History or knowledge of these cultivars should be sent to the Registrar for inclusion in the Addendum.
B- ‘B. Mason’
- ‘Baby Lucia’
- ‘Bajou’
- ‘Bal Konige’
- ‘Ballatrix’
- ‘Banga’
- ‘Baron de Closen’
- ‘Baronne de Layres’
- ‘Barrier’
- ‘Barringtoni’
- ‘BartoniaZ.’
- ‘Baths Ballerina’
- ‘Baths Sugar Plum’
- ‘Baucis’
- ‘BayernlandIvy Leaf.’
- ‘Beatons Silver Nosegay’
- ‘Beatons Variegated Nosegay’
- ‘Beau de Vert’
- ‘Beaute Parfaite’
- ‘Beauty of Clapham’
- ‘Beauty of Culford’
- ‘Beauty of Devon’
- ‘Beauty of Dulwich’
- ‘Beauty of Guestwick’
- ‘Beauty of Huntroyde’
- ‘Beauty of Kensington’
- ‘Beauty of Kingessing’
- ‘Beauty of Orton’
- ‘Beauty of Sudbury’
- ‘Beauty of Waltham’
- ‘Beauty of Ware’
- ‘BeauZ.’
- ‘Beidermier’
- ‘Belle Adine’
- ‘Belle D’Afrique’
- ‘Belle DEpinay’
- ‘Belle France’
- ‘Bellinzona’
- ‘Bellissima’
- ‘Bellona’
- ‘Benyon de Beauvios’
- ‘Bergenland Girl’
- ‘Berkeley Fire’
- ‘Bernadino’
- ‘Bertha Drisily’
- ‘Bertie’
- ‘Beryl BodeyR.’
- ‘Beryl Sinclair’
- ‘Beryl Tucker’
- ‘Betty Davies’